
Rushing traffic, video games, the sound of everything around you,

and music. What would these be without the sense of sound? Everything

you enjoy, everything you know, requires the sense of sound. Sound

gives you music, media, and the ability to understand your

surroundings. Sound makes your life a whole lot better.

       Now, imagine having all of that taken away. Where would you be?

More importantly, who would you be? How would life be easy?

How would you find the answers, because it can’t be easy. And it won’t.

What would I do, lost without my sound?  I don’t even  know what I could

do. I’d be lost.

One thought on “Sound”

  1. I have a brother-in-law who cannot hear and I cannot imagine what his life must be like. When we attend a stage performance, I think of him often and what he must imagine the script to be. Society seems to accommodate differences unequally. I am thankful for my sense of sound, and your posting has made me realize this again this morning.

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